Facebook Nabs Nearly One-Third of Display Ad Market

Published on May 9, 2011  

Nearly 1.1 trillion display ad impressions were delivered to US Internet users in the first quarter of 2011; among them, Facebook accounted for 346 billion—31.2% of the total display market—nearly twice the level delivered one year earlier, according to data from comScore Ad Metrix.

Yahoo Sites ranked second with 112 billion impressions (10.1%) during the first quarter, followed by Microsoft Sites with 54 billion impressions (4.8%) and AOL with 33 billion impressions (3.0%).

Google Sites, relatively new to the display ad market, accounted for 2.5% of total impressions during the period.

Looking for great digital marketing data? MarketingProfs reviewed hundreds of research sources to create our most recent Digital Marketing Factbook (May 2010), a 296-page compilation of data and 254 charts, covering email marketing, social media, search engine marketing, e-commerce, and mobile marketing. Also check out The State of Social Media Marketing, a 240-page original research report from MarketingProfs.

AT&T was the top online display advertiser with 19.5 billion impressions in the first quarter, accounting for 1.8% of display ads. Experian Interactive ranked second with 16.6 billion impressions (1.5%), followed by Scottrade with 11.2 billion (1.0%) and Intuit with 11 billion (1.0 %).
Groupon joined the top 10 display advertisers at No. 7 with 7.7 billion impressions (0.7%).

Other key 1Q11 findings:
  • The top advertisers in 1Q11 ranked by estimated share of online display ad spending were: AT&T (2.1%), Experian (1.9%), Scottrade (1.6%), Toyota (1.2%), and Netflix (1.1%). Rounding out the top ten were Intuit, Verizon, Progressive, Sprint Nextel, and ING—each with 1.0%.
  • The top consumer goods advertisers ranked by display ad spending were: Procter & Gamble, Mars, Kellogg’s, General Mills, and Kraft Foods.
  • 95 different advertisers delivered at least 1 billion display ad impressions and 293 advertisers spent at least $1 million on display ads during the quarter.
"The US online display advertising market maintained its strong momentum from last year with a terrific first quarter," said Jeff Hackett, comScore executive vice president.

"We are now seeing more than one trillion display ads delivered every single quarter and nearly 300 individual advertisers spending at least $1 million a quarter on display, numbers which underscore just how large and vibrant the online medium has become. And it's not just about the volume but about the quality of the advertising experience that can be delivered as we see continued investment in compelling, high-quality creative that helps cultivate long-term brand equity."

Read more:

Advertising - Facebook Nabs Nearly One-Third of Display Ad Market : MarketingProfs Article

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