Search Engine Marketing - SEO Must-Know Basics: The Hows and Whats : MarketingProfs Article

In this article, you'll learn...
  • How keyword management relates to content
  • What metadata and tags are, and how to handle picture tagging and ensure "friendly" URLs
  • Some linking strategies you should use
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a common theme of website-redesign projects these days. Many RFPs dedicate an entire section to the topic, which can be quite confusing to those who do not completely understand it.

Let's walk through a few steps to understanding and approaching SEO... The major work needs to be done by the owners of your website's content, and your search rankings depend on your adhering to a few well-established rules.

Keyword Management and Content

In a world where content is king, keywords are the power behind the throne. A basic rule of thumb to follow is this: No more than two keywords per page, and no more than three pages per keyword. Confused? Let me explain.
First, a keyword is not necessarily a "word." It can be several words that appear together and are subject-based, such as these: "Record of the English Language," "Online Dictionary," or, simply, "OED."

Read more: Search Engine Marketing - SEO Must-Know Basics: The Hows and Whats
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Ramiro Rodriguez
Internet Marketer eBook Seller

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