More Blog Traffic | Improve Blog Traffic Today

More Blog Traffic | Improve Blog Traffic Today

More Blog Traffic from Brazil
More blog traffic is on every blogger’s mind. The easiest way to get more blog traffic is listed below.

There are also five videos on blog traffic that I rounded up from

The quickest way I was able to improve blog traffic was by creating a Google Alert on Facebook Like Pages.

Let me explain. I signed up for an affiliate program on free software about creating Facebook like pages and I wanted to get traffic to the blog post to get people to sign up for the software.

I set up a Google Alert and every time someone published anything on the Internet about Facebook Like Pages I was notified via my alert. I was notified of every news article and blog post related to the FB like pages.

When I received the alerts I went to the article and posted a comment with a link back to my blog post on How to Create a Facebook Like Page.

Within 24 hours I had 40 visitors to the blog just from leaving comments on other blogs and news articles. And I my traffic has improved as I am still receiving visitors from the comments.

The videos below all talk about how they got more blog traffic to their blogs and websites, each has a different technique. Some of them are not new ideas but they work as I’ve tried them all to get traffic to this blog.

If you don’t like a video just stop it and scroll down to go to the next one.

Free Blog Traffic - Internet marketing video

Fitness Blog Training - Free Blog Traffic Video from Rusty Moore on Vimeo.

How To Get Free Blog Traffic With Blog Carnivals - Internet marketing video

Increase Blog Traffic Add Your Blog Comments Feed To Facebook + Twitter - Internet marketing video

Kate Kutny dot com - How To Get Blog Traffic - Hundreds Of FREE Visitors! - Internet marketing video

Getting more blog traffic and improving it takes time and work

As you can see from the videos there are a lot of ways to get more blog traffic. Try each one and see if it works for you, if not try more methods as there are a lot of them out there.
I use the following methods to drive traffic to this blog:

  • HubPages
  • Blog commenting
  • Forum posting
  • Facebook
  • Twitter

They all work for me and have improved blog traffic but not every tactic works the same.

Some of the ways that I get more blog traffic may not work for you and some will. I will break down each item I listed above so that you can make a decision as to whether or not you want to try the method.

Using HubPages to improve blog traffic

Improve Blog Traffic Today
This is the best method I use to get traffic. It does require work as you have to post articles on HubPages related to your blog. This blog is about Internet marketing so I post articles on HubPages about Internet marketing.

Here’s the tricky part, when you post an article to HubPages you’re allowed to include your RSS feed in your article.

So when people read your article they’ll see your RSS feed and click on the link to go to your blog. HubPages is by far brings the most traffic to this blog. Last week alone HubPages brought more than 200 visitors to this blog.

Using forum posting to get more traffic

I use three forums and they all bring traffic to this blog. Probably in equal amounts. There’s not a lot of traffic to be had from forums but it is traffic nonetheless. The three forums I use are:

  • Warrior forum
  • Digital Point forum
  • forum

I get less than 10 visits a day from the forums but over time that adds up. The one thing to realize about forums is that everyone is there trying to get traffic or to sell something.

So your contribution has to be meaningful and helpful if you want people to click on your links.  If you just go link dropping people will ignore you so try to answer questions and be helpful.

Using Facebook to improve traffic flow

More Blog Traffic
Everyone has a Facebook account these days so I’m not even going to go into talking about FB that much except to say how I use it to get more blog traffic.

Every time I write a blog post I grab the link and post it on my FB page. I also belong to several groups and I drop the link on every group I belong to.

Facebook is like the forums a little bit in that it doesn’t bring a lot of traffic but some traffic is better than none.

So, go to FB, join a few groups and drop your link every time you create a new blog post.

Using Twitter to get more blog traffic

Twitter doesn’t work very well for me as I get less than 10 visits a week from my tweets.

The main reason I use it is for backlinks as Google counts the links from Twitter as a link back to your blog so it’s good for backlinking purposes.

I only tweet about 3 or 4 times a day so maybe that’s why it doesn’t work well for me but I expect that to go up as my followers grow.

Additional resources that will get you more traffic and how to improve your blogging

These are additional resources on blogging.  Most of the posts on this blog have videos so if you want you can just go to a post and watch the videos.

Or you can read what I wrote :-) on the post as I do diligent research before I write anything.  I try to make sure that it will help someone by giving them ideas on how to improve their blogs.

I also watch the videos on blogging that I post here so that you don't have to watch a twelve year old listen to how he made a million bucks in two days.

- Tips on Blogging

- Blog Topics | How to Find the Best | Webinar

- Nine SEO Blogging Tips

- Blogger Help Video Tutorials

- How to Get Your Blog Noticed

- How To Properly Optimize Your Blog For Major Search Engines

- Internet Marketing That Can Make Your Blog Useless Video

- How To Use Blogging To Boost Your Business With Internet Marketing

Well, there you have it! I hope you learned a few tricks on how to get more blog traffic. Just remember that it takes time to build a following and improve blog traffic. Quality content is what’s going to get you more blog traffic over the long term because people will keep coming back to read your stuff.

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  2. Awesome information you have posted here. When looking to earn extra income online through an affiliate marketing company, get the one that offers additional value like giving points or cash backs to their customers and associates.

  3. Thanks for leaving comments and dropping your links!

  4. Yeah, Blog commenting is awesome way to generate genuine back links but some times peoples start overdoing the things and start spamming that make the search engines start thinking to dumb this great trick so everyone please stop spamming just do the ethical works. A good Internet Marketing company will never do a foolish work like this.

  5. Hi Lindsay,

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. You're right a few people mess it up for all of us.

  6. Nice website! I enjoy a couple of of the articles which were written, and especially the comments posted! I will definately be visiting again!

  7. Hey L Word, nice comment, thanks for stopping by.

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  9. Hello Sightsee,

    I'm curious, what does your software have to do with getting more traffic?

    Next time please try to be a little helpful :-)

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