This article is for people who are new to search engine optimization.  It covers the most important aspects of SEO so you wont' be reading a bunch of gibberish.  Search engine optimization is important.

After reading this, you'll have a pretty good idea of what SEO really is and you'll know what you have to do to make your blog more visible to the search engines.  If you have a good idea of what search engine optimization is, then I don't think you'll get too much out of this blog post.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of designing the content, structure, and coding of a website to make the site more “visible” to search engines, with the goal of driving more traffic to the site.

Does my business really need SEO?

Every business, no matter how small, can benefit greatly from a well-designed and optimized website. Given that over 80% of adults perform Internet searches to find a product or service to aid their decision-making, a visible web presence is a must in order to garner a prospect’s share-of-mind and be considered by the prospect as a viable provider of that product or service. An optimized website ensures visibility on search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing so that a business has a better chance of being “found” online.


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